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BITO - Brazilian Association of International Incoming Tourism was originally created with 7 members in October 1981 with a "Gentlemen's Agreement", in which it was concluded that the business of receptive travel agencies had matured and that other terrestrial operators And the DMC's should be invited to join the original group. The first constitutive minute as an association was in 1985 and was born as a consequence of the need to obtain greater representation before the various federal, state and municipal bodies, certainly aimed at hotels and airlines.

The times were very different, but with clear purpose is the greater interest in defending the activity of international receptive tourism and the conquest of markets taking the services of the product Brazil to all the markets of the world.

Small actions, added together, have become great achievements and thus we have managed to combine with EMBRATUR, to shine for decades, with Brazil product required for its natural beauties, cultural heritage and the contagious joy of its people. From the strengthening of the activity and our active participation as sellers, coordinators and executors of services of the product Brazil, BITO is recognized and participates in several work forums.

Thanks to the characteristics of the international economic crisis, international receptive tourism operators are today one of the most critical moments of our history. Nevertheless, in partnership with the Ministry of Tourism and EMBRATUR, we have developed a structured and firm planning.

We are engaged, as we remain together and united, to meet the challenges of the many mega events that Brazil has been able to conquer.

After so many years of solid growth, BITO is today a respected and affluent association with affiliated members and affiliates nationwide, including the country's best DMCs, major operators, hotels, service providers and business partners who operate, promote and sell A range of facilities and services of Brazilian tourism, available to foreign visitors who visit Brazil.

Entities in which BITO actively participates:
- Municipal Council of Tourism - National Council of Tourism
- Tourism Council of the National Confederation of Commerce of Goods, Services and Tourism
- ABAV National
- Rio Convention & Visitors Bureal
- State Council of Tourism
- National Forum of Events Sector Entities

The purpose of BITO is to promote the exchange of experiences and ideas; Promote a better understanding between the receptive agencies and the business needs and requirements between suppliers and business partners; Establish the highest and possible ethical business standards and services, with high quality among its members; And officially represent the Brazilian market of the receptive travel industry in all forums.

BITO supports:
The fight against poverty
The fight against sex tourism
Trade fairs of trade
Development of public / private partners
Improving safety and travel facilities
Sustainable tourism-ecological, social and economic
Educational tourism and training
Tourism as an instrument for peace